Dr. Sonu M. M. Bhaskar has accepted the invitation to join the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Stroke, a flagship journal, from the Switzerland-based Frontiers group, dedicated to stroke medicine and research. Dr. Bhaskar will join as the Associate Editor on the Editorial Board of Mechanisms, Models, and Biomarkers of Stroke (specialty section of Frontiers in Stroke).…
Category: News
Recognized for youth leadership and service to Rotary and the wider community
Youth participation and engagement stand out as a barometer of the social capital and health of democratic institutions in our societies. Building an active youth base is more important than ever in times like these, when socioeconomic inequality, inequity, and social justice divides are widening, regrettably exacerbated by COVID-19 and social and political upheavals around…
Dr Sonu Bhaskar joins BMC Journal Editorial Board
BMC Medical Research Methodology is a journal from the BMC Family, part of the Springer Nature, which focuses on publishing articles on methodological approaches to healthcare research as well as studies of empirical nature investigating the associations of the choice of the method with study outcomes. Dr Sonu Bhaskar, MD PhD has joined the Editorial Board,…