
Past/upcoming talks

For inquiries about speaking engagement/s and availability, please click here for contact details.


Unpacking Ischemic Stroke: Insights from Morphological and Histochemical Analysis of Retrieved Brain Clots
Asia Pacific Microscopic Society (APMC) 2025 (February 2-7, 2025), Brisbane, Australia
Plenary Talk at APMC-2025



Ikigai in Harmony: Embracing Music and Social Prescribing for Brain Health and Wellbeing in Japan
Keynote speech on social prescribing in neurology organized by Izumi Hall, City of Osaka; October 2, 2024


Spotlight on clots – focus on prevention“.
Guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Blacktown City, Blacktown, Greater Sydney Region, NSW; June 7, 2022

Dr. Sonu M. M. Bhaskar at the Rotary Club of Blacktown City

Reconnecting – as we learn to live with #COVID-19“.
Reconnection Picnic organized by United Nations Association of Australia NSW (UNAA NSW), and supported by Multicultural NSW,  Prince Alfred Park, Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW; 10th April 2022
Speakers: Reverend Bill Crews (Exodus Foundation), Dr. Sonu Bhaskar, and A/Prof Holly Seale (UNSW)

UNAA (NSW) Reconnection Picnic, Surry Hills, Sydney, Australia

About UNAA (NSW) Reconnection Picnic:
COVID-19 has had a significant impact on our community. As a result of stay-at-home orders, social isolation, loneliness, and mental health issues are on ascend. The event, UNAA (NSW) Reconnection Picnic, aims to restore ties to the community and address COVID-related issues of members of the community by bringing them face-to-face with trusted health professionals.

The picnic organized by UNAA NSW will provide a free lunch in a public park to stimulate community connection and socialization, encouraging people to reclaim their sense of belonging, thereby assisting the local community in strengthening resilience in the face of the extended lockdown restrictions during COVID-19. 


“How hospitals are leveraging AI, machine learning & robotics in healthcare”
AI Hospital Conference organized by Clariden Global Thinktank, Sydney, Australia; 25 November 2021

Plenary Talk: “Designing Futuristic Telemedicine Using Artificial Intelligence And Robotics In The COVID-19 Era” at the AI Hospital – How hospitals are leveraging AI, machine learning & robotics in healthcare; 25 November 2021 organized by Clariden Global Thinktank.

Panel Discussion:Who Is Responsible for AI Misdiagnosis? Regulatory Perspectives On AI”. Chaired by Dr. Andrew Saunders. Panelists: Dr. Sonu Bhaskar, Dr. Sandeep Reddy, Dr. Rita Matullonyte, and Dr. Allison Choy Flanningan.

Igniting humanities in health – meeting of minds for global health
Dr. Sonu Bhaskar in conversation with Prof Ole Doering; July 10, 2021.
Jointly organized by the Global Health Hub Germany’s Working Group on Ethics and Reprogram Global.

Recording of the talk.

Panel Discussion on Leadership Development at Academic Health Centres: Cultivating Innovation, Community, Diversity, and Belonging
Global Innovation Forum 2021, Organized by the Association of Academic Health Centres International (AAHCI), Washington DC; April 19-23, 2021
Chair: Dr. Sonu Bhaskar; Co-panelists: Dr. Jessica Gold (Washington University in St Louis), Dr. Robert Golden (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Dr. Ming Kuang (Sun Yat-sen University, China) and Dr. Sarita Verma (Northern Ontario, Canada).

Global Innovation Forum 2021

organized by the Association of Academic Health Centers International (AAHC-I)

Panel: Leadership Development at Academic Health Centers: Cultivating Innovation, Community, Diversity, and Belonging

Facilitator: Sonu Bhaskar, MD, Ph.D., PD, Founding Director, NSW Brain Clot Bank, Liverpool Hospital and Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research, Sydney, Australia

Jessica Gold, MD, MS, Director of Wellness, Engagement, and Outreach, Department of Psychiatry, Washington University in St. Louis

Robert N. Golden, MD, Vice Chancellor for Medical Affairs, Dean, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Ming Kuang, MD, Ph.D., Vice President, The First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University, Executive Vice Dean, Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University

Sarita Verma, BA, LLB, MD, CCFP, FCFP, Dean, President & CEO, Northern Ontario School of Medicine

Building health systems in West Africa: A global humanitarian initiative
Rotary Club of Parramatta, Rydges Parramatta; May 31, 2021

“The Future of Telemedicine in Emergency Medicine and Training”
Organized by the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), Baltimore, and sponsored by National Science Foundation (NSF); 3-4 June 2021

COVID-19 and Brain. Neuroscience Research Day
Schulich School of Medicine, Western University, Canada; February 19, 2021
Panelists: Dr. Shibani Mukerji (Harvard), Dr. Sonu Bhaskar (NSW Brain Clot Bank and Reprogram Global, Sydney, Australia); Dr. Robert Stevens (John Hopkins Medicine), and Dr. Adrian Owen (University of Western Ontario, Canada).

COVID-19 and Brain. Neuroscience Research Day; Schulich School of Medicine, Western University, Canada; February 19, 2021 Panelists: Dr. Shibani Mukerji (Harvard), Dr. Sonu Bhaskar (NSW Brain Clot Bank and Reprogram Global, Sydney, Australia); Dr. Robert Stevens (John Hopkins Medicine), and Dr. Adrian Owen (University of Western Ontario, Canada).

COVID-19 & the Brain at the Neuroscience Research Day Symposium, Western University, Canada

“Neurorehabilitation strategy for traumatic brain injury with a focus on military veterans”
9th Annual Conference of Indian Federation of Neurorehabilitation (IFNRCON 2021), Mumbai, India; April 10, 2021

Talk on “Neurorehabilitation strategy for traumatic brain injury with a focus on military veterans” at the 9th Annual Conference of Indian Federation of Neurorehabilitation (IFNRCON 2021); April 10, 2021.

“Mano Africa – A movement towards health systems resilience in West Africa”

Talk on “Mano Africa – A movement towards health systems resilience in West Africa” to Collaborators from Mano River countries including Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.

Regulatory Framework for Digital Health.
Asian Century Foundation, India; 29th January 2021.

Regulatory Framework for Digital Health. Asian Century Foundation, India; 29th January 2021.
Panelists: Dr. Jennifer Huang Bouey (RAND, USA), Dr. Oommen John (George Institute, India), Prof Khanapi Bin Ghani (Malaysia), Mr. Mike Liu (Center for China and Globalization, Beijing, China).

“STEM Careers in Industry”
Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS); 25th March 2021

STEM Careers in Industry organized by Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS) featuring Dr. Sonu Bhaskar, Dr. Pamela Naidoo-Amelgio, and Dr. Jay Hetzel


Telemedicine and Tele-rehab: The future of medicine during and beyond COVID-19.
Auditory-vestibular Medicine International Board Seminar Series, Rome (Italy) and Cleveland (USA); November 1, 2020 (Webinar)

Telemedicine and Tele-rehab: The future of medicine during and beyond COVID-19. Auditory-vestibular Medicine International Board Seminar Series. November 1, 2020 (Webinar)

When two maladies meet – stroke in cancer patients.
Centre for Oncology Education & Research Translation (CONCERT) Roundtable, Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research and UNSW Medicine, Sydney, Australia; July 8, 2020 (Webinar).

CONCERT Roundtable: When two maladies meet – stroke in cancer patients. Centre for Oncology Education & Research Translation, Ingham Institute for Applied Medical Research and UNSW Medicine, Sydney, Australia. July 8, 2020 (Webinar).

Acute Stroke Treatment and Secondary prevention: Public Health Approaches during and beyond COVID-19.
Department of Community Medicine, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, India; August 7, 2020

“Leadership Development at Academic Health Centres: Current and Emerging Leaders on Cultivating Innovation, Community, Diversity, and Belonging.
AAHCI Global Innovation Forum, Arlington VA, USA (Invited); May 3-5, 2020

Medical & academic leadership during Crisis: Building health systems in medical emergencies”
Academic Health Centres: Innovative Models for Latin America in the 21st Century organized by AAHCI International, Bogota, Colombia (Invited); April 1-2, 2020

Thrombosis in Cancer – increased risk of stroke in cancer patients”
CONCERT Roundtable, Cancer Services Conference Room, Level 2 of Alex Grimson, Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, Australia; April 8, 2020


“Neurology Talkies & world’s first Brain Clot Bank: Leadership, innovation, and impact towards the greater good”
The Rotary Club of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (Invited); November 19, 2019

The NSW Brain Clot Bank – building the world’s first stroke clot biobank through partnerships and community engagement for clinical practice improvement, research, and innovation
17th Annual Conference of Australian Biospecimen Network Association (ABNA), Cairns, Queensland, Australia (Invited/Keynote); October 16-18, 2019

“Establishing a world-first NSW Brain Clot Bank – discussion on statewide biobank infrastructure and recent findings presented at Oslo.”
Ingham Institute Seminar, Thomas and Rachel Moore Education Center, Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, Australia; July 15, 2019

NSW Brain Clot Bank – opportunities for research on diagnostic pathways, biomarker discovery, and treatment.
Health Beyond Research & Innovation Showcase, William Inglis Hotel, Liverpool, Sydney; June 5-6, 2019

“The anatomy of health partnerships: barriers and opportunities with a focus on inclusion, diversity, and intersectionality.”
Partnerships for Better Health Symposium; 29-30 August 2019; ICC Sydney, Sydney.

Time is Brain and its importance to stroke
Inspiring Australia’s Talking Science Library Speaker Series for Sydney Science Festival in National Science Week, Liverpool City Library, Liverpool, Australia; 15th August 2019.

“What’s innovative about neurology? – Building dementia-friendly communities
Inspiring Australia’s Talking Science Library Speaker Series for Sydney Science Festival in National Science Week, Carnes Hill, NSW, Australia; August 13, 2019

Killingsworth M* & Bhaskar S. Future of biobanking research today: connecting researchers and biospecimens across NSW and beyond.
Rural Health and Research Congress, Lismore, NSW, Australia; October 16-18, 2019.
Keynote; presented by Prof Murray C. Killingsworth

Reperfusion therapy in acute ischemic stroke.”
Pearls in Clinical Neurology Conference, Nellore, India (Keynote Speaker); 1-22 November 2019


The Elephant in the Room: Revisiting the Nuremberg Code to Address Emerging Opportunities and Challenges with the Uptake of AI and Big Data in Health and Medicine.
Symposium on Legal Issues Arising from AI and Big Data in the Health and Life Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark [Invited Speaker]; 8th October 2018

Legal Issues Arising from AI and Big Data in the Health and Life Sciences

Artificial intelligence, advanced machine learning, and Big Data will transform the health & life sciences. While offering amazing possibilities, there is no doubt that these technologies raise many legal questions with regard to IP, liability, patient involvement, bias, discrimination, competition, etc. They will also disrupt traditional value chains and structures in the health care sector. How do we regulate intermediate technology? Most innovation policy levers are not set up to consider whether intermediate technologies ought to be regulated differently than technologies that are further along in the development process. What is the role of industry in the innovation ecosystem and how does that fit in the European Science Cloud Declaration (EOSC)? How does the Nuremberg Code help us address the opportunities and challenges we face with the application of AI and Big Data in the health and life science sector? This seminar features a distinguished list of prominent international speakers that will debate some of the most crucial legal challenges arising from these issues.

15:00 – 15:10 Welcome note by Prof. Timo Minssen, CeBIL: “Legal challenges posed by AI & Big Data in the Health & Life Science”
15:10 – 15:45 Iain G. Mitchell QC, Tanfield Chambers: “Robot Doctors? – Some Legal and Ethical Issues of Using Artificial Intelligence in Medicine”
15:45 – 16:20 Dr. Rachel Sachs, Washington University School of Law: “Regulating Intermediate Technologies”
16:20 – 16:35 Break
16:35 – 17:10 Dr. Helen Yu, CeBIL: “The European Open Science Cloud: What about Other Stakeholders’ Interests?”
17:10 – 17:45 Dr. Sonu Bhaskar, Liverpool Hospital (Sydney): “The Elephant in the Room: Revisiting the Nuremberg Code to Address Emerging Opportunities and Challenges with the Uptake of AI and Big Data in Health and Medicine”
17:45 – 18.00 Dr. Sven Bostyn: Final Remarks

Thrombolysis and Endovascular FLow Network (TEFLON) trial: streamlining acute stroke workflows towards improved reperfusion therapy delivery and better patient outcomes.
Health Beyond Research and Innovation Showcase Symposium, South West Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD), Warwick Farm, Sydney, Australia; June 6-7, 2018.


Bhaskar S & Beran R. Concussion in the military. NSW Military Health Symposium”
HMAS Waterhen, Australian Defence Force Naval Facility, Waverton, Sydney, Australia; November 11, 2017

Bhaskar S, Bivard A, Parsons M, Nilsson M, Attia JR, Stanwell P, Levi C. Delayed cortical vein filling is associated with poor baseline collateral status in acute ischemic stroke.
10th FENS Forum of Neuroscience, Copenhagen, Denmark; 4 July 2016


Bhaskar S, Bivard A, Parsons M, Nilsson M, Attia JR, Stanwell P, Levi C. Delay of Late-Venous Phase Cortical Vein filling in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
3rd European Congress of NeuroRehabilitation, Vienna, Austria; 1-4 December 2015.

Bhaskar S, Bivard A, Parsons M, Attia JR, Stanwell P, Levi C. Favourable collateral status is associated with post-ischemic perilesional hyperperfusion at 24 hours: an arterial spin labeling (ASL) study. NEUROVASCON 2015, 5th Annual conference of the Cerebrovascular Society of India, Ludhiana, India; 18-20 September 2015


“Bhaskar S, Bivard A, Parsons M, Attia JR, Stanwell P, Levi C. Role of lesion topography in predicting 24 hours perilesional hypoperfusion”
Brain Ischemia Conference, Rome, Italy; December 10-12, 2014
[Nominated for young investigator award paper category]

Neuroimaging in Stroke: Clinical and Neuroradiological Perspectives.”
Manning Base Hospital Medical Grand Rounds, Taree, NSW, Australia; October 16, 2014.

Bhaskar S, Evans M, Kitsos G, Russel M, Stanwell P, Walker R, Pollack M, Parsons M, Spratt N, Miteff F, Jordan L-A, Stanwell P, Levi C. The influence of initial stroke severity on the likelihood of death at 90 days following acute stroke: A tertiary hospital stroke register study.
25th Annual Meeting of Stroke Society of Australasia, Hamilton Islands, Queensland, Australia; 30 July-1 Aug 2014
Abstract in International Journal of Stroke. Volume 9, Issue Supplement S1, published online: 23 July 2014).


“Nanotechnology in Brain Cancer and Perspectives on Neuroimaging”
“Neurociencias Joven” – Young Neuroscientists Series. Instituto Aragones Ciencias de la Salud, Zaragoza, Spain (Plenary Lecture); October 22, 2009

Sorni MD, Ucles P, Bhaskar S. Localizacion de fuentes EEG en el dolor Neuropatico de pacientes con ictus.
In proceedings of XLVII Annual Reunion of Spanish Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, Madrid, Spain (Oral); October 21-23, 2009

Bhaskar S, Tian F, Fuente JM, Grazu V, Stoeger T, Kreyling W, Ntziachristos V. Multifunctionalization of nanocarriers for in vivo neuroimaging: a survey.
In Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference for Clinical Nanomedicine, Basel, Switzerland (Poster); April 27-29, 2009


“From Brain Interfacing to Brain tumor Targeting. Advances in Neurosciences:  Molecules, Systems, Pathologies, and Clinical Applications.”
Encuentros de Neurociencias; Faculty of Medicine, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain; December 11, 2008

“Deciphering cognitive states: From Cognition to Neurorehabilitation”
ADA meeting, Universidad Politecnica de Cataluña, Villanova, Spain; January 18, 2008

Internal Workshop on EEG
Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain; March 7, 2008

“Bhaskar S., Antelis J, Iturrate I, Escolano C, Minguez J. Mind controlled wheelchair based on the based on the P300 protocol and virtual reality. “
Instituto de Automtica Industrial, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; July 12, 2008
In proceedings of Tecnicas de BCI de Analisis de la Actividad Cerebral Asociada.

“Antelis J, Bhaskar S, Iturrate I, Minguez J. Tele-operation of a mobile robot using a brain-computer interface and reality.”
Instituto de Automtica Industrial, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas (CSIC), Madrid, Spain; July 12, 2008
In proceedings of Tecnicas de BCI de Analisis de la Actividad Cerebral Asociada.

2007 and before

Bhaskar S, Sridhar TM. Pain perception and brain activation in Parkinson disease patients.
Bio Bangalore International conference on Biotechnology, Bangalore, India (Poster); July 7-9, 2006

Bhaskar S, Sridhar TM, Sharma P. Oscillatory neuronal dynamics during language comprehension”
In Proceedings of Dynamical Neuroscience XIV conference, Atlanta, GA, USA (Poster); 12-13 October 2006

Bhaskar S, Sridhar TM. Brain Activation during encoding and retrieval of faces and words using functional MRI.
In the Proceedings of Second International conference on cognitive science (ICCS-2006), Centre for Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India (Poster); December 10-12, 2006

Bhaskar S, Sridhar TM. An Electrophysiological approach to Binding problem – Study of Oscillatory Neuronal Dynamics.
In the Proceedings of XXIV annual conference of Indian Academy of Neurosciences, Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Lucknow, India (Oral); December 17-20, 2006

“Bhaskar S. Bioengineering in Aerospace Applications: A study on Aerospace Medicines.”
In the Proceedings of First International Symposium on Space Education University Satellites and Space Science Education; UNIVERSAT-2006, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (Poster); June 26-30, 2006.

“Bhaskar S. A novel approach of satellite tracking of endangered species.”
In the Proceedings of First International Symposium on Space Education University Satellites and Space Science Education; UNIVERSAT-2006, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia (Poster); June 26-30, 2006.

“Bhaskar S. Bioengineering in Aerospace Applications”
NASA Idaho Space Grant Consortium Research Symposium, Online Aerospace Medical Centre, University of Idaho, Idaho, USA (Poster); 19 October 2006

“Bhaskar S. Electrophotography in the study of therapeutic effects of water and essential oils”
In the proceedings of the World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC 2006), Seoul, South Korea (Oral); August 27 – September 1, 2006

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